Age Ireland
Early Bronze Age – 1800B.C to 1500 B.C
Middle Bronze Age 1500 B.C to 1200 B.C
Late Bronze Age 1200 B.C to 500 B.C
The prehistory of Ireland has been pieced together from archaeological and genetic evidence; it begins with the first
evidence of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers settling in Ireland after
8000 BC and finishes with the start of the historical record, around AD 400.
The prehistoric period covers the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age societies
of Ireland. For many European countries
a historical record begins when the Romans invaded;
however, as Ireland was not invaded by the Romans its historical record starts
later, with the coming of Christianity.
- Mixing copper and tin to make bronze – more usable and
durable than copper
- Ireland was blessed with relatively rich copper deposits, allowing
large quantities of bronze to be produced on the island.
- Movement of people
throughout Europe – bringing new cultures, skills and customs to Ireland.
- Most of the tin that was needed to make the
bronze seems to have been imported from what is now England.
Distinct Groups:
- The Beaker People 3. The Bowl Food
Vessel People
- The Food Vessel People 4. The Urn People
The Beaker people were late Neolithic–Early Bronze
Age people living about 4,500 years ago in the temperate zones of Europe.
Beaker People & Beaker Pottery
The Beaker people get their name from the shape of the pottery that they made. The pots are usually V shaped in section like an upside down bell. Narrow at the bottom and opening out toward the top. Pots were usually 10cm to 20cm tall.
The whole outer surface usually covered with ornate decoration, made by a toothed comb or wheel which produced dotted lines often running parallel to each other. Motifs include herringbone, chevrons and lozenges; bases are sometimes decorated with a cross. The pots usually have raised bands in high relief – a light/shadow effect created by the use of chip carving
The pots were used as funerary vessels. The ashes of the dead may have been placed in them or the pots may have been placed beside the dead containing food as sustenance for their journey to another world.
The pots would have been made using a clay coiling technique. Long sausages of clay would be rolled out and then coiled around slowly building upward. The surface would then be smoothed and rendered with clay working tools.
The Beaker people get their name from the shape of the pottery that they made. The pots are usually V shaped in section like an upside down bell. Narrow at the bottom and opening out toward the top. Pots were usually 10cm to 20cm tall.
The whole outer surface usually covered with ornate decoration, made by a toothed comb or wheel which produced dotted lines often running parallel to each other. Motifs include herringbone, chevrons and lozenges; bases are sometimes decorated with a cross. The pots usually have raised bands in high relief – a light/shadow effect created by the use of chip carving
The pots were used as funerary vessels. The ashes of the dead may have been placed in them or the pots may have been placed beside the dead containing food as sustenance for their journey to another world.
The pots would have been made using a clay coiling technique. Long sausages of clay would be rolled out and then coiled around slowly building upward. The surface would then be smoothed and rendered with clay working tools.
Tombs consist of a narrowing stone chamber covered by a mound of earth. The
single entrance almost invariably faces south-west.
They are found in western Ulster, Connaught and Munster
They are found in western Ulster, Connaught and Munster
A wedge-shaped gallery grave or wedge tomb is a type of Irish chamber tomb. They are so named because the burial chamber itself narrows at one end (usually decreasing both in height and width from west to east), producing a wedge shape in elevation.
distinguishing characteristic of wedge tombs is the double-walling of the
gallery. They were often covered by cairns, which could
be round, oval or D-shaped, often with a kerbstone to fasten it down. More are low sized,
usually about 1.5 metres high, and are generally found on mountainsides, about
three-quarters the way up.
tombs were built between the Irish late Neolithic and middle Bronze Ages (about 2500 to 2000BC). Today, between
500 and 550 known wedge tombs survive in
Ireland, and are found predominantly in the West and North West of the island.
monuments added social dimensions to the landscape and over time they became
permanent, integral part of the landscape. People became engaged in the landscape
and the monuments they built became a focal point for their activities.
It seems
that the Bronze Age Irish lived in houses that were similar to those of the
Neolithic; that is, rectangular or circular houses constructed from timber
beams with wattle-and-daub walls and thatched roofs made from reeds. The
circular houses would have been from 4 to 7 metres in diameter and supported by
a central post. Some other houses may have been constructed from sods of earth
placed within a wooden frame. Many houses would have had a circular wooden
fence making an enclosure in front of the house. There was sometimes a circular
ditch around the whole property which was both defensive and kept animals
Agriculture continued much as it did in the Neolithic, on a larger scale. More lowland forests were cleared to make farmland which was used for grazing or for growing cereal crops.
Bronze Age cooking place or fulacht fia was horse-shoe shaped. A wood-lined trough was dug in the ground and filled with water. Beside the trough, a fire was lit and stones heated in the fire. These stones were then thrown into the water. Once it was hot enough, meat could be boiled in the water. The broken, used stones were hurled off to one side and formed, over the course of some years, the distinctive horseshow mound. 1200bc - 500bc

Ireland exported a lot of copper during the Bronze Age.
Series of steps extracting ore from the rock
- Light a fire to expand the substance of the
- Throw cold water over the rock – quick cooling
causes it to shatter
- Break down the rock further
- Small fragments of rock and mineral ore were smelted down to free the metal
technology for moulding the bronze improved through the Bronze Age. Initially,
items were cast by pouring the bronze into a hollowed out stone. When removed,
this axe head would have been attached to a wooden handle at its narrow end,
while the wide, curved end would have become the blade.
By the middle Bronze Age, people had invented two-part moulds where two hollowed stones were put together and metal poured into a gap at the top. This allowed more complex items, such as daggers, to be produced.
The Bronze Age also saw the first use of gold and there are a number of beautiful examples of gold jewellery and other objects. As gold was useless for any practical purpose, and also because of its beautiful colour and rarity, it quickly became a highly desirable ornamental material. It is for this reason that the period is sometimes called Ireland's first "golden age"
main metalworking techniques of the Bronze Age Period:
1. Repoussé - Design beaten in from the back.
Name: Sun
Found: Co.
Monaghan – Early Bronze Age
Form: Discs of
thin gold, often found in pairs, 11.6cm in diameter
Decoration: Chevrons,
zigzags, geometric designs consisting of two rings of chevrons, surrounded by
multiple rings of indentations. In the middle of the disc there is a cross with
a star like feature at the centre.
Function: Stitched
onto garments – It was worn as a representation of wealth or status. The two
holes in the middle show that it was possibly sewn onto clothing. Often found
in pairs and possibly worn on the chest.
Technique: Circle beaten from plate of gold – decorated by hammering and punching
Technique: Circle beaten from plate of gold – decorated by hammering and punching
2. Incised - Design cut into.
Name: Lunulae
Found: Co.
Westmeath – Early Bronze Age
Form: Crescent
or half – moon. 20cm across
Decoration: Geometrical
patterns consisting of chevrons, zigzags. Toward the narrow ends there are four
bands of lozenges and zigzags. The outer edge of the whole piece is decorated
with lines and lozenges.
Function: Jewellery,
worn as a sign of wealth and status around the neck.
Technique: Cut from
thin beaten sheets of gold with slightly thicker extensions at the ends for
locking. Gold would be hammered till very thin and then cut into the crescent
shape. Decoration would be applied using the incision technique.
3. Twisting- Metal twisted.
Name: Gold Ribbon Torc
Found: Belfast,
Co. Antrim – Late Bronze Age to Golden Age
Form: Cylindrical bands of gold which are not completely closed.
Decoration: Thin ridges of geometrical patterns flowing around the band. The outer edge of the piece has a raised lip.
Function: Jewellery worn to show wealth and status. These would be worn on the wrist, arm or neck. The design could possibly have originated from protective armour worn by warriors.
Technique: Gold would be hammered until very thin and then cut into a rectangular shape. Then decoration would be applied using the repousse technique. The gold sheet would then be bent around a cylindrical form.
Form: Cylindrical bands of gold which are not completely closed.
Decoration: Thin ridges of geometrical patterns flowing around the band. The outer edge of the piece has a raised lip.
Function: Jewellery worn to show wealth and status. These would be worn on the wrist, arm or neck. The design could possibly have originated from protective armour worn by warriors.
Technique: Gold would be hammered until very thin and then cut into a rectangular shape. Then decoration would be applied using the repousse technique. The gold sheet would then be bent around a cylindrical form.
Ireland In Ireland we split the Bronze Age into three distinct periods
Form: Long twisted gold flanged torc with elaborate hook like clasps.
Function: Worn as
jewellery around the waist perhaps used to fasten clothing. They were worn as
sign of status and wealth.
Decoration: The decoration is attained through the twisting of the flanged gold bar.
Technique: Firstly a square sectioned piece of gold bar would be hammered out. Then the flat faces of the bar would be hammered to emphasise the corners creating flanges. The bar was then twisted to create the design. The hook clasps were rounded and bent into shape of the design.
Decoration: The decoration is attained through the twisting of the flanged gold bar.
Technique: Firstly a square sectioned piece of gold bar would be hammered out. Then the flat faces of the bar would be hammered to emphasise the corners creating flanges. The bar was then twisted to create the design. The hook clasps were rounded and bent into shape of the design.
Long gold
bar torcs
Period :
Middle bronze age
Form: Twisted flat gold bar with
hook clasps to fasten the piece.
Function: Worn as jewellery around the neck as a sign of status and wealth.
Decoration: Decoration is attained through the uniform twisting of the flat gold bar.
Technique: Firstly a piece of gold would be hammered into a flat thin rectangular strip. The strip would then be twisted uniformly to create the ribbon effect. The ends of the strip would be hammered into rounded hooks for fastening.
Function: Worn as jewellery around the neck as a sign of status and wealth.
Decoration: Decoration is attained through the uniform twisting of the flat gold bar.
Technique: Firstly a piece of gold would be hammered into a flat thin rectangular strip. The strip would then be twisted uniformly to create the ribbon effect. The ends of the strip would be hammered into rounded hooks for fastening.
Ribbon Torc
from Belfast 1400bc - 1200bc is known as the Bishopslands Phase. It gets its
name from a great hoard of bronze artefacts dating from around 1400bc - 1200bc
found in Bishopsland in Co Kildare. At around this time much of the sheet gold
work of the early Bronze Age was replaced by Torcs, ornaments and jewellery made
from twisting bars of gold.
Late Bronze Age
Form: Two disc or cup like shapes joined together with a gold bow or handle made from approx 1kg of gold.

Decoration: The surface is finely polished. There are four
rows of concentric circles on three quarters of the cup surfaces containing a
single punch mark at each center The surface of the cups underneath the bow is undercoated but polished. The perimeters of the cups are decorated with rings
in a step like fashion where the bow joins the cups there are chevrons and
parallel lines encircling it. The bow itself is finely polished without design.
Technique: The piece was cast using the lost wax method. In Bronze Age times animal fat may have been used instead of wax. After casting the piece would have been polished before the designs were made using the incision technique.
Technique: The piece was cast using the lost wax method. In Bronze Age times animal fat may have been used instead of wax. After casting the piece would have been polished before the designs were made using the incision technique.
Bronze Age
Form: Crescent shaped gold sheet with two attached
concave (bowl shaped) gold discs.
Function: Jewellery worn around the neck as a sign of wealth
and status.
Decoration: The crescent shaped part is highly decorated with six repousse ridges of rope with rows of beads on either side. The edges are folded backwards to give a clean border. The outer edge of the discs is decorated with repousse beading. There is a row of incised concentric circles with dot marks at the center. At the center of the disc is a large repousse point surrounded by dozens of incised concentric circles followed by rows of repousse beads.
Technique: Firstly gold was hammered in a thin sheet and then cut into the crescent and disc shapes. The discs were hammered into a concave shape. The decoration was added using both the incision and repousse technique before joining the pieces together using a type of biscuit joint and securing with gold wire.
Decoration: The crescent shaped part is highly decorated with six repousse ridges of rope with rows of beads on either side. The edges are folded backwards to give a clean border. The outer edge of the discs is decorated with repousse beading. There is a row of incised concentric circles with dot marks at the center. At the center of the disc is a large repousse point surrounded by dozens of incised concentric circles followed by rows of repousse beads.
Technique: Firstly gold was hammered in a thin sheet and then cut into the crescent and disc shapes. The discs were hammered into a concave shape. The decoration was added using both the incision and repousse technique before joining the pieces together using a type of biscuit joint and securing with gold wire.
Bronze Age
Lock Rings
Material: Gold
Form: Each lock ring consists of two cone shapes of thin gold wire fixed together at the wide end with a pinched narrow bronze sheet creating a ridge. A slit is cut into the form from edge to center. At the center is a cylindrical piece of sheet gold that can rotate freely.
Function: These were probably worn as hair ornaments by a wealthy or powerful member of society. A lock of hair could be pushed through the slit of the cone and the aligned cylinder. The lock of hair could be fixed in place by rotating the cylinder out of alignment.
Decoration: Decoration of the piece is achieved in the very thin and delicate spiral created by this gold wire as it spirals from the center of the cones outward. The edges of the pieces are polished.
Technique: The cones were made by coiling thin gold wire over a cone form. The wire was soldered together to create a rigid cone structure. Each cone was then cut to allow for the slit. The cones were joined together with a band of sheet gold pinch around the edges. A cylindrical tube also with a slit was placed at the center and can move freely. The band and the cylinder were made from gold which was hammered into a sheet and cut to size.
Bronze Age
Material: Bronze
Form: Large round cooking pot with large rim and loop handles, 40cm high by 60cm wide.
Function: Used for cooking large quantities of food. A pole may have been put through the handles to suspend the pot over flame and to assist in carrying of the full pot.
Decoration: The structural rivets in the pot are the only decoration on the vessel.
Technique: The pot is made from sheet bronze. Many separate sheets are riveted together. Riveting is done by putting a pin through a hole in both sheets and hammering the rivet from both sides until flattened and rounded, holding both sheets securely.
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